Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Wow, I haven't posted anything since April 2010.  I suck at this.  This is my (slightly insane) attempt to kick start the blogging again, and not let it be an entire year between posts. 

I suppose I should start with a very short explanation of vicious cycles, at least they apply to my writing.  The truth is, I just haven't felt inspired to write, and a lack of writing leaves me even less inspired to sit down and write.  Have I done things worthy of writing about?  Absolutely.  I have read fascinating books, like The Forgotten Garden and The Namesake (yes, I'm a little behind the times on the latter one.)  I have been knitting some really neat projects, like mesh grocery bags made with beautiful bamboo ribbon yarn, and scarves and mittens (I'm about to start my first ever set of gloves.)  I have traveled a bit, at least back to Edmonton, and out to Montreal.  I have a new nephew!  I have all of these wonderful and potentially interesting things to write about, but I just haven't.  And the more time passes, the less I feel inclined/remember to sit down and write.

So why have I felt so ridiculously uninspired?  There are huge things in my life (time wise) that have been slowly eating away at me.  I have an easy job.  Too easy.  Very boring.  Very micro-managed.  The longer I plug away at it, the more burnt out I feel, not because of overwork, but because of a complete lack of stimulation.  Seriously, for the last week, I've been coming home, sitting by the fireplace, and watching all five seasons of Stargate: Atlantis back-to-back because I haven't had the energy to do much else except the occasional yoga class.  I have been getting sick... a lot, and I strongly suspect its largely psychosomatic, and due to my sheer not-wanting-go-to-work-ness.  Also, feeling rundown and burnt out mentally leading to feeling rundown and burnt out physically. 

And for the big question: what am I going to do about it?  Well, the good news is that it looks like it will only be until September, all things working out as hoped/planned.  I only have to get through eight months, and then reboot.  So eight months, huh?  That's eight months of trying something I don't usually do.  Eight months of paying attention to the things that actually make me happy, and provide me with the energy to do more during my off hours than blerg on a couch, and oversleep.  So far, that's involved a lot of science fiction, knitting, reading, and walking.  So far, it seems to be starting to work.