Saturday, November 28, 2009

An update

I realise it has been quite a while since I posted.  I am sorry, honestly sorry.

In the meantime, my grandfather has passed away, resulting in (yet another) trip back to Northern Ontario.  It's a bit of a hike.  I have to say though, I am extremely grateful that I went and the experience was extremely cathartic.  For the most part it all went smoothly, even with my grandfather's former wife (they were separated, but that's another story).  She is not a well woman.  She is extremely narcissistic and did in fact expect the funeral to be all about her, but largely I was simply able to ignore it.  I certainly did not appreciate her coming up and shaking my hand right after the interment saying, "Well wasn't this just a fun day!"  I was polite, I swear!  I simply said, "Thanks Gladys, I hope you are good."  I have been praying for this woman.  We were challenged to pray for someone who was unlikable or as Gary put it "Extra Grace Required," and I chose her.  I'm still angry.  I'm still strggling with this, and even thoughat this point I never have  to speak with her or see her again, I am still trying to pray for her, though it would be easier to just stop.

Beyond that, school has kept me relatively busy despite my complete and utter lack of enthusiasm for any of it.  I would give anything to just walk away here and now, but I can't.  I have a horrible sense of responsibility that says I have to finish it.  Also, it's true, Paul was a tent-maker.  I need to finish this so that no matter what I so later on, I still have a profession I can fall back on.  I do not want to be entirely reliant on my husband's income if I am unable to find a job in ministry or otherwise related to Theology.  What if something were to happen to him?  I know that's a bit dismal, but I'd like to think it also a practical consideration.

Right so maybe not the happiest, or even most entertaining post ever, but that's just how it is. Next up 7 exams in 80 hours...  Screw you BCIT.